Big Curators (Adults)
Life is busy, so we often place reminders around us – sticky notes on our desks, alarms on our phones, and slips of paper in our pockets. Life is also beautiful, so we keep meaningful things around us, as well – Dilbert cartoons on our desks, photographs on our phones, and keychain keepsakes in our pockets. Our lives are an interesting mix of function and family, and these two elements of life come together on the surface of our refrigerators. Refrigerator displays reveal a lot about us. Calendar entries, appointment notes, and business cards hint at our professional lives while invitations, photographs, postcards, and magnet souvenirs attest to our social lives. Other items speak of our tastes and interests, such as take-out menus, sports calendars, and bizarre magnets. Some items tell of our values, such as prayers, poems, and other words of wisdom placed on our refrigerators. Refrigerator displays tell our story.
What story does your refrigerator display tell? What impression would a stranger get from looking at your refrigerator display?
Fun fact: Researchers at UCLA's Center on Everyday Lives of Families found a correlation between the number of items on a refrigerator and the amount of clutter in a household. So tell me now, what does your refrigerator say about you?
Don't be shy. Photograph your fridge and upload it on the Submit page.